Trunk driving

An elephant came out of a bar, got into his car and drove off erratically. He was stopped by a police officer and charged with …

Trunk driving.

Tags: car, driving, Police


Who makes the most money per year in radio? Is it … A.) Ryan Seacrest, B.) Glenn Beck, C.) Sean Hannity or D.) Howard Stern?

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Are there more humans or more mobile phone subscriptions on Earth?

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An ex-Microsoft exec founded all these sites but one. Is that one … A.) Zillow, B.) Expedia, C.) Glassdoor or D.) Pinterest?

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Amazon founder Jeff Bezos holds meetings to encourage discussion and decision-making. Does he call them … A.) Open-mic meetings, B.) Silent meetings, C.) Lightning meetings or D.) Non-meetings?

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Which tech entrepreneur sold a game to Atari at the age of 12 and later became a co-founder of one of the most successful tech companies ever? Was it … A.) Jeff Bezos, B.) Bill Gates, C.) Steve Jobs or D.) Elon Musk?

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Not only do you blink less when looking at a screen, but science proves most people read more slowly on a screen than on paper. Is it slower by … A.) 5%, B.) 10% or C.) 20%?

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What percentage of divorces are blamed on people reconnecting or finding new loves on Facebook? Is it … A.) 7.5%, B.) 14.29%, C.) 22.43% or D.) 33.91%?

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The very first photo was uploaded to the internet in 1992. Was the image a … A.) Band, B.) Child, C.) Goat or D.) Phone? This is a toughie!

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The surge protector was invented in 1970. What was its official name back then? Was it … A.) Zap Trap, B.) Power Devourer, C.) Watt Wad or D.) Shock Block?

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Which Hollywood actress played a big role in the development of Wi-Fi? Was it … A.) Audrey Hepburn, B.) Marilyn Monroe, C.) Hedy Lamarr or D.) Elizabeth Taylor?

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