5 best Android weather apps to replace Dark Sky

When you have a great weather app, you want to keep it around as long as possible. Unfortunately, sometimes the apps leave you instead, as is the case with Dark Sky right now.
Dark Sky isn’t leaving everyone, just Android users. Apple bought the fan favorite, and it’s set to disappear from Android devices for good come August. You can mourn it leaving (or, really, just no longer working) your phone as long as necessary. But eventually, you’ll need a new weather app. Click or tap here for some starting options.
Lucky for you, we know 5 great weather apps that aren’t leaving Android anytime soon. Read on to learn more about them!

Data is the name of the game when it comes to accurate forecasts. ClimaCell has the market cornered here. Its intense data accumulation will keep you from having to cancel an event because of inaccurate weather predictions.
ClimaCell gets its data not just from meteorologists and traditional data sources. It also gets information from drones, airplanes, cell signals, cameras, and more, resulting in incredibly accurate weather reporting.
ClimaCell makes a profit reporting the weather to companies that are seriously affected by it. It’s incredibly trusted by giant corporations relying on accurate reporting to keep profits up — you can only benefit by getting its Android app!

AccuWeather can be found on your desktop, tablet, smart TV, and Android phone. Its data is the basis of many weather widgets and other apps, so it’s definitely a good one to have for accurate reporting.
Enjoy AccuWeather’s minute-by-minute rain prediction in its MinuteCast feature. This feature is highly dependable and rarely wrong and it goes well beside the equally right hourly, daily, and weekly weather reporting from the app.
AccuWeather also has a nice layout, including a great dark theme, if you prefer keeping that active on your Android. For a gorgeous and incredibly reliable all-around weather app, you really can’t go wrong with this one.
Today Weather

Want an app that’s pretty close to Dark Sky? Today Weather is the one for you, as it shares many of Dark Sky’s features and gets some of its weather data from Darky Sky, on top of other great apps and sources.
Today Weather will greet you by name when you open it (a nice personal touch, if you want that from your weather app), and it has a nice, clean interface like Dark Sky. Tap or click here for other, gorgeous digital weather tools.
It also reports things like air quality, pollen count, sun and moon information, severe weather alerts, and what the temperature feels like, on top of what it actually is. It uses radar to better report precipitation, and what form that liquid will take.
For a lot of information you already liked seeing in Dark Sky, in an equally pretty layout, Today Weather is a great app choice. It’s the #1 weather app for mobile for a reason; download it to find out why.

Another top-rated option, 1Weather is an app that started in Android and is making a splash in iOS. Enjoy the Android-driven origins of this one as you seek your Dark Sky replacement.
Some of these Android-driven origins include the ability to share weather information via email, text, Twitter and Facebook. Easily update Facebook events with forecasts and let friends know quickly if a trip or event needs to be rescheduled.
1Weather also has a 12-Week PRECISION CAST from renowned meteorologist Gary Lezak. Really plan ahead with this reporting and let it live in widgets on your phone as well (we’ll talk more about widgets later).
1Weather was born on Android, it’s not going to leave it. So enjoy its customizable radar views and clean reporting style by getting it on your device now.
CARROT Weather

Another app that can give you Dark Sky’s scarily accurate weather data, with some fun twists. CARROT Weather is a powerful app with a personality, giving you funny dialogue in its weather reports, and goofy animations too.
Why let your weather app be boring? Get accurate information with pretty, cartoon graphics and even get historical weather information from as far back as 70 years in the past!
CARROT Weather charges for features like Time Machine (the way you access that old weather data). But it’s such a charming app, we think it’s worth the $1.99 per month, or $3.99 per year you pay for those premium abilities.
The premium version also lets you create and customize a fun widget with the app’s wonderful sense of humor. So for a little more personality in your weather app, in addition to accurate information, try CARROT Weather on for size.
Bonus: Try weather widgets too
If you want to know the weather fast, and perhaps without a lot of frills, you may not need a weather app on your Android phone. A weather widget could suit you just fine.
Widgets, in case you aren’t aware, live on your Android’s home screen. They can give you things like important headlines, as well as the forecast for the day. Click or tap here for the 5 best widgets to get on your Android.
You can get widgets on the Google Play Store, often for free. Weather widgets can tell you the immediate weather based on your location, or your location preferences.
Many of the apps we recommended above have widgets that you can get with or without the full apps. Their looks can often be changed a little, and they give you the basic information you need to get dressed and step outside.
If you want to know the weather in the future, some widgets can give that to you. But more often than not, for information down the road, you’ll want a full weather app.
So take a look at some of the apps we suggested above, and try their widget versions too. Dark Sky may be leaving Android, but many great apps are still around. Use this opportunity to find a new favorite and keep up with your local forecast!
Tags: AccuWeather, Android, Apple, applications (apps), Dark Sky, forecast, Google, weather, widgets