Biggest hack in US history: How to encrypt your communications
I’ve been talking about it for weeks, and now it’s all over the news: Communist Chinese hackers infiltrated telecommunications giants like AT&T and Verizon and wormed their way into government surveillance systems. The massive breach was detected over a month ago, but it’s been going on for over a year.
9,000,000 tulips
Planted for the “Wicked” movie. The movie’s director wanted real flowers in the scene for “Over the Rainbow,” not CGI. The flowers were grown on 500 acres at Belmont Farms in Norfolk, England. Only an American could’ve written “The Wizard of Oz;” anywhere else, he’d be “The Wizard of 28g.”
The tipping point
A Canadian news channel went undercover at 100 businesses to see if they asked for tips. They were prompted to tip at fast food joints, jewelry stores, auto shops and even online shops. Two-thirds of employees didn’t know where the tips went. Tip theft is illegal in the U.S., but we all know not every business follows every law.
23 years ago
Enron went bankrupt. After more than two decades, they’re making a comeback. This week, “Enron” launched a rebranded website and press release about their return, now featuring crypto. Unbelievable, right? Yup. It’s a parody site for “entertainment purposes only.” Talk about an En-runaround!
80% fee increase
For Verizon bills over the last two years. The data line fee ticked up to $1.60 from $1.40, and the admin fee is now $3.50 a month, compared to only $1.95 in mid-2022. They’ve had lawsuits over these fees and have tried to hike their prices quietly. Good luck with that.
Pasta City, created with Amazon Nova Reel by Amazon Ads
Reel-y impressive tech: Amazon is dropping six new AI models. Reel turns simple text prompts into short videos. Check out the video above for a little snippet. I’m impressed! For now, only three text-generation models are live for certain developers. The rest drop for everyone else early next year.
$20,100.10 Cheeto puff
Sold on eBay. The single puff duct-taped to a wall was Frito-Lay’s cheeky response to a similar “art” piece of a banana that sold for $6.2 million. At least the winner of this auction got a supply of Cheetos worth their bid’s price — about 450 8.5-ounce bags. Orange fingers for life.