Applying for jobs? Don’t make these mistakes

signs you're sending your resume down an AI black hole
© BiancoBlue |

The world (and I) can’t shut up about all the brand-new things artificial intelligence (AI) can do. But it’s not exactly new in the HR and hiring world. In fact, a 2019 study shows three of four resumes were never even seen by a person.

A whopping 99% of Fortune 500 companies use bot job application filters — that’s about 83% across all businesses.

The million-dollar question: How can you keep yours out of the AI black hole? Don’t make these mistakes.

Top resume mistakes to avoid

Finding a new job can be challenging enough on its own. Don’t hinder the process by making these resume blunders.

  • Making all the important info an image. Resume-scanning bots read words. If all your skills are in a snazzy image, it won’t take in any of that info.
  • You used a crazy font. Or even a subtle-but-special one. Use a default font so you don’t confuse the system. Stick with one of the defaults in the program you used to make your resume.
  • You’re being too clever. AI isn’t the greatest with sarcasm or flowery language. Be clear and concise about your experience and skills, and don’t assume the algorithm scanning your resume will know you’ve done X, Y or Z because of a job title.
  • All your language is generic. Here’s the secret: Scanners match words from the job you’re applying for to your resume. Use the exact words and phrases in the job description in your resume (if you’ve done them).

True story. The HR manager at a big company I once worked for had a stack of resumes, took half and threw them in the trash. I said, “Why would you do that?” He said, “I don’t want to hire unlucky people.”

Searching for a job or maybe you know someone who is? Pass along these tips and I bet you’ll make their day.

Tags: AI (artificial intelligence), algorithms, company, experience, filters, font, hiring, job application, job description, mistakes, resumes, shows, skills, tips and tricks