Search public records for free

Search public records for free
There are plenty of reasons to do research on someone. You might be looking for ancestors to fill out missing branches on your family tree. Maybe you just need to know if a potential romantic partner or a blind date is on the up-and-up. What about roommates and neighbors? And let’s not forget about potential employees and co-workers. With just a little info and an internet connection, you can find out most everything that you need to know. Unfortunately, this can be difficult and expensive if you don’t know what you’re doing. The good news is you don’t necessarily have to pay a service fee. You can dig it up yourself without having to make a phone call or wait in line. I’ve found a cool site for finding almost any kind of public legal document in all 50 states and some foreign countries. It has guides to finding records including property, criminal, court, birth, death, marriage, divorce records, licenses, deeds, mortgages, corporate records, business registration, and many others. The site is called Search Systems. It doesn’t compile or host any public records. Instead, it serves as a handy guide that directs you to the resources you need. For example, let’s say you want to find a record of a birth in the state of New Jersey. You can begin by choosing to search by type of record, selecting “Births” and then selecting New Jersey. From here, you will see links to the New Jersey State Department that can get you all the info you want. If for legal or other reasons certain public records aren’t available online, Search Systems outlines the process for finding them. This could be via mail, phone or a visit to your state, local or county government’s records department. Privacy laws and sunshine laws may apply to certain records in certain states or municipalities. Here are some of the categories you can search on the site:
  • Birth records
  • Corporations and companies
  • Court records
  • Criminal records
  • Death records
  • Deeds and mortgages
  • Divorce records
  • Marriage records
  • Property records
  • Unclaimed property
  • Voter records

Note: Please read this before you visit this site: Throughout the Search Systems site, you’ll find ads for separate services that will cost you money to use. These ads may look like they’re part of the site but they’re not. For instance, nearly every page includes a blue and green “People Search” box. It’s labeled as an advertisement. You may be tempted to type in a name and find records using this “tool.” It will show results and then require you to pay to see more. But it’s just an ad. You don’t have to click on it. That isn’t how Search Systems works.

The basic Search Systems site is free to use. There is a premium option if you need more in-depth information but this option costs to use. To get started on the site, just click the blue box below that says, “Search Systems.” If you’re reading this article using the app, you might not see the blue box with the link. If not, click here to see it.

Tags: applications (apps), family, guides, internet, phones/smartphones, privacy