Get the best deal on smart cameras to protect your home

These smart cameras are available from Amazon and make a great gift for the holidays, birthdays, house-warming or pretty much any occasion.


Wireless camera that mounts to a wall

Blink XT offers a wireless one-camera system that you mount to a wall, and let run inside or outside your house, thanks to weatherproofing. It records HD video, which you can control and view through Android and iOS apps, and it keeps these videos in a Cloud storage system.

The one-camera system can run for 2 years on two AA lithium batteries (which come included with your order), and has a motion detector built into the camera. When the motion detector is set off, the camera records a short clip of the event, and sends an alert to your phone, so you can see if your pet is just being rambunctious, or if you should be calling the police.

Blink XT cameras also have infrared night vision, and an optional LED illuminator for recording at night, so you can keep your home safe 24/7. The camera also has a built-in microphone, so you get audio as well as video to look over.

3-camera system

You like the sound of the Blink XT camera system from the description above, but you know you need more than one camera to truly protect your home. The Blink XT sync system, which keeps the Blink XT cameras connected to the cloud and to your phone app, can connect up to 10 cameras per system, so you can certainly add cameras whenever you need to.

Each camera in the 3-cam system has the same features as the Blink XT 1-cam, including a diagonal, 110-degree field of view, a CPU of ISI 18, 4/100Mhz, and single-antenna Wi-Fi that works on networks that use 2/4 Ghz 802.11g/n (and does not connect to peer-to-peer Wi-Fi networks). Each camera comes with a 1-year limited warranty, with service included, so if one of your cameras ends up a little faulty, Blink can get you a new one, or repair your current one.

The Blink XT 3-cam system, like the 1-cam system, also can be combined with Alexa screen devices, allowing you voice control over the system, and letting you stream live footage, or look at older recordings, right on your Alexa screen. The Blink XT systems, therefore, add to making your home a smart home, while they protect you.

Bonus: SimpliSafe is the easiest DIY home security

Our sponsor SimpliSafe has a whole suite of cameras that are easy to install and are available with no commitments, no hidden fees, no activation or installation fees. For as low as $14.99 a month, which you can cancel anytime, you can have the round-the-clock home protection and that peace of mind you’ve been wanting all along.

But don’t take our word for it, try SimpliSafe now and see for yourself. Free shipping and Free returns! Just visit to protect your home with SimpliSafe today.

We may receive a commission when you buy through our links, but our reporting and recommendations are always independent and objective.

Who is looking at you right now? How hidden cameras are everywhere

Have you ever had the chilling feeling that you’re being watched? Have you ever looked at your phone camera or your laptop webcam and sensed someone could see you through it?

What about when you’re by yourself, in total privacy yet you feel like you’re not alone. Well, you’re not crazy.

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This wireless security camera has a serious hijacking flaw

Web-connected cameras can be great security and monitoring tools that can keep your home safe. With a smartphone or a computer, these cameras allow you to view their live feeds over the internet, essential for home security, surveillance or for keeping an eye on children or pets. Cybercriminals also love them, which is why you need to know how hackers can get into your home security cameras.

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Best security system for people who are not tech savvy

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9 million webcams wide open to attack, see if yours is on the list

Privacy and security are always at the top of the list of priorities when looking at getting new gadgets. The last thing you want to do is purchase something that isn’t built to keep your information safe.

Even worse is when those devices can be used to spy on you. That happens more than you’d like to imagine.

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The wireless security cameras with the most free cloud storage

Home security is as important as ever, and the great news is there are plenty of cameras that will help protect our homes. They are easy to set up and do a great job of monitoring what goes on in and around your home, with some doing even more than that. But along with just watching the happenings, one of the best things they can do is record the video to be watched later. After all, you probably don’t have time to just monitor your home all day, but may at some point have a need to check the tape.

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Shocked couple finds hidden Airbnb spy camera pointed at their bed

Security cameras are a great way to protect your property, but they can also violate your privacy if someone uses them against you without your permission.

Camera technology has advanced immensely in the past few years. They keep getting smaller and smaller, making it possible to conceal them any which way. Disguised cameras are now particularly a big part of the problem because they’re cheap and anyone can easily buy them online.

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How to turn off Google location tracking for real

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Tech clues that your spouse is cheating

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Wow! Your email provider is reading your messages

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Is someone spying on your cellphone?

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How to make Alexa call 911

If you have any Amazon Alexa-connected devices, you already know how helpful they can be. You might even have a few around the house, including in your family room, kitchen and your home office. But can Alexa help with more serious tasks, like in an emergency situation? The answer is yes, it now has a skill that could actually come to the rescue.

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If you have this security camera, anyone can watch and listen to you

Web-connected cameras can be great security and monitoring tools that can keep your home safe. With a smartphone or a computer, these cameras allow you to view their live feeds over the internet, essential for home security, surveillance or for keeping an eye on children or pets.

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How to check for hidden cameras on Lyft or Uber

A disturbing story broke this week that had Uber and Lyft passengers second-guessing their use of the ride-sharing services. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch posted the news that a local Uber and Lyft driver had been live-streaming video of his customers without their knowledge or consent. Some drivers use cameras as a security measure (something often found in taxi company cars), but the St. Louis driver shared the video online for viewers to comment on.

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10 questions you should ask if you want a home security system

It has never been easier or more convenient to have a home security system delivered to your home that you can install in a few minutes! Our sponsor SimpliSafe has been redefining home security for years.

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Security experts warn it's 'only a matter of time' before hackers try to hijack a plane mid-flight

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5 must-do spy hacks you need to use now

Privacy and security seem to be on everyone’s mind today. Which makes sense, because cybercriminals are constantly on the attack.

It doesn’t matter if you’re waiting for a connecting flight at the airport or in the comfort of your own home, hackers will find you. They might be watching your every move over public Wi-Fi or trying to get an up close and personal look at you through your webcam.

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