How to filter certain words from your Facebook feed

How to mute words on Facebook

There was a time when the whole internet was buzzing about Wordle. People were sharing results on social media, bragging about beating the day’s game and accidentally spoiling the fun for friends who hadn’t played yet. That’s why one reader asked Kim, “Is there a way to mute words on Facebook so I don’t see my friend’s Wordle posts?”

Although Wordle isn’t nearly as popular as it used to be, this question is still pretty timely. It’s especially practical during election season. Speaking of which, tap or click here to stop political spam from flooding your inbox.

Bad news: There’s no way to block words from appearing on your newsfeed, but there are a few clever workarounds. On the bright side, you can mute words on your Facebook page. Here’s how.

Why you might want to mute words on Facebook

Spending too much time on social media can get you down. Whether dealing with spoilers or political news, many topics can put you in a bad mood. According to the University of Pittsburg, social media can raise your risk of depression.

We recommend spending time away from Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, YouTube and other popular sites. A social media detox can do you a world of good. Tap or click here to take a break from Facebook in six simple steps.

But there are also ways to feel better without cutting off the sites entirely. For example, you can clean up what you see on your page. Filtering specific words that upset you helps you have a better social media experience.

If certain words trigger or annoy you, follow these steps to stop seeing them.

How to mute specific words on your Facebook page

Although you can’t block certain words on your Facebook feed, you have more control over your page. Use this strategy to pinpoint keywords you don’t want to see. To automatically clear out harmful or annoying words from your page, follow these steps:

  • Once you log into Facebook on a computer, select the down arrow or tap your profile icon at the top right.
  • From there, tap or click Settings & Privacy.
  • Then, hit Settings.
Here a useful tech tip. Clean up the comments on your Facebook posts by using this guid that explains how to mute words on Facebook.

This takes you to a new page aptly called Settings.

  • On the left, select Profile and Tagging.
Want to block certain words from appearing in comments on your Facebook profile? Luckily, you can hide up to 1,000 words, phrases and emojis.
  • Next, select Hide comments containing certain words from your profile.

RELATED: How to see ONLY posts from friends and family on Facebook

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A drop-down menu will appear. Now, you can mute up to 1,000 keywords.

  • Type the word you don’t want to see. If you want to mute multiple words simultaneously, insert a comma between them.

Remember the Wordle example from earlier? Let’s say you want to stop your friends from posting their Wordle results to your wall. Just type Wordle and hit enter.

You can even block phrases and emojis. Here’s what it looks like when you mute a word on your page:

How do I filter topics on Facebook? Can I hide certain topics on Facebook? How do I block words on Facebook news feed? We've got all the answers.
  • Hit Save when you’re done.

NOTE: You have the option to unhide posts. You might notice a message saying a comment has been hidden. Select the Unhide button to see that comment.

This way, you can reveal certain comments. But every other comment with the muted word will be blocked until you unhide it.

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Tags: Depression, emojis, Facebook, Filtering, internet, keywords, privacy, scams/scammers, security, security settings, settings, social media, Wordle