This download will make sure you never forget a critical update

Anyone who uses a PC knows that they involve plenty of apps and programs that generally need to be updated fairly often. Most of us set things to update automatically, but there are others who would rather maintain more control over their system and do so manually.
Failure to keep things current may not matter too much, since often times there are just light touchups and bug improvements in the updates. However, there are also times where the updates improve security — possibly fixing a devastating flaw — and are more necessary than you can imagine.
Keeping track of it all can be a real hassle, though, and manually checking each app or program to make sure it is updated is something none of us want to do. Fortunately, there is a program we could add that would do that for us.
Welcome to Sumo
The name stands for “Software Update Monitor,” and it is a free app that will let you know whether or not anything on your PC is ready to be updated. Unlike most programs that will only alert you when they are opened, Sumo will inform you of an available update when you ask it to check.
Sumo will automatically detect required updates and patches for your software, as well as find when new drivers are ready to be downloaded. It can check everything from apps and screen savers to add-ons like Flash, ensuring that your system is always up-to-date.
All you need to do is run the app and give it time to complete its scan. Once done you will be provided a list of all your missing updates, which you can browse through to decide which you want to download.
The app will require just 2.4 MB to download, and you can trust that it is malware-free.
Tags: applications (apps), computers, malware, security, software update, updates