YouTube just changed its rules on what curse words are allowed

YouTube is notoriously finicky regarding its policy on what’s allowed on monetized content. One major language-based caveat forbade users from cursing within the first 30 seconds of a monetized video. Until now.
Read on for details on YouTube’s latest cursing policy.
What’s changed about YouTube’s language policy?
This announcement posted recently outlines a new attitude for the platform regarding adult content in “advertiser-friendly” videos. In it, Conor Kavanagh, YouTube Lead for Monetization Policy, describes one major problem plaguing long-time creators: the retroactive demonetization of older videos that don’t abide by newer rules.
The big news? “Moderate” profanity is kosher again. The following terms have been invited back into the fold for those who make a living on YouTube, even within the first 30 seconds:
- B*tch.
- D**che b*g.
- As***le.
- Sh**.
As of November 2022, any of these terms would leave you with no ad revenue in favor of milder content. Stronger curse words aren’t exactly included in this new provision, but content producers can now use them throughout their videos while still generating limited ad revenue.
Many YouTubers aren’t shy about speaking out against some of its stricter policies, and we imagine this change is certainly a sight for sore eyes. While using the worst curse words “repetitively” and excessively may not net you that coveted green icon, there’s still a chance to earn a yellow icon.
Videos with moderate profanity in their titles or thumbnails may also allow you to make money, although these will still be limited to the yellow icon category. Stronger profanity might get you in trouble, however. Just a word of warning for anybody looking to ratchet things up a notch on their channels.
The tides of change: let creative freedom ring
This change is exciting for those creating original content. Even strong profanity in things like the music you use may now be acceptable. Any content demonetized in last November’s update will be reviewed by YouTube’s team again. It’s an optimistic time for those who fell hard the last time the rules were modified.
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