How to get a rare World War II M1911 pistol from the U.S. Army stockpile

Are you a 2nd amendment supporter? Hunters, collectors, and sportsman of all types can get excited about a new rollout of weapons from the CMP (Civilian Marksmanship Program) crate collection of retired military weapons. Wouldn’t it be exciting to own an actual military weapon that was used as far back as World War I?
Many types of war weapons are admired and celebrated by collectors around the world, and for this very special occasion one of the most famous side-arm pistols of all time is being uncrated and released in small quantities to U.S. citizens only.
Learn how you can get a hold of one of these prized military treasures.
M1911 Pistol
The M1911 side-arm is one of the most treasured handgun models in our nation’s history. Deemed the standard issue military pistol from 1911 until 1986, the M1911 served the United States Armed Forces through both world wars, the Korean War and the Vietnam war.
The gun was so widely popular that models of the M1911 are still used today in non-standard use in U.S. military conflicts around the globe. Because of its widespread military use, the gun has also been very popular in civilian competitive events such as the USPSA and IDPA. They are also commonly used in concealed carry states because of their relatively slim width and measurable stopping power of the .45 caliber bullet.
The M1911 has now been replaced by the Beretta M9 as the standard issue sidearm in the U.S. armed forces.
Historic Release
The CMP will soon be opening up crates of historic World War II weapons to be slowly released to collectors around the country. It is unknown what shape some of these weapons will be in, or even what they will find inside the crates.
What is known is that they will certainly contain the M1911 Pistol model that was a standard issue during the U.S. involvement in WWII.
How to get one
If you are interested in getting your hands on one of these American military treasures, make sure you know the rules:
- You must be an American Citizen to be eligible
- You must be at least 18 years old
- You must pass a background check
- You must be in a CMP affiliated club
If you have met these requirements head over to the CMP website to fill out the proper paperwork to ensure you are a member. If you would like to receive updates on when you will be able to submit your application for review, visit the official 1911 information page HERE and sign up for email alerts.
CMP will begin assigning random numbers to applicants after they receive their first 10,000 form submissions, so make sure you apply right away if you are interested. After this it will be luck of the draw, so cross your fingers.
Remember these will be a very limited release so make sure you are ready when it comes time.
Good luck!
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Tags: alerts, email, history, numbers, updates, World War II