5 simple ways to protect your home this winter

Winter months can bring some serious challenges for homeowners. Icy driveways, slick walkways and frozen pipes can cause a lot of damage.
Whether you tough it out or take off to warmer climates, you want to keep your home safe over the winter months. That means you need protection from thieves while you’re away. Protect your home with the security system that protects Kim’s family, SimpliSafe. Visit SimpliSafeKim.com today to save 40% on a home security system and get your first month free when you sign up for Interactive Monitoring.
What happens when a baseball hits a gong at over 1,000 mph?
Some professional baseball pitchers can throw a ball around 100 miles per hour. But, what would happen if you built a cannon that could fire the balls faster than the speed of sound? Well, this engineer did just that, and the results are astounding.
5 clever scams making the rounds you need to know about

Another day, another scam. Or should we say scams? There seems to be no end to discovering crooked schemes that use every means imaginable to trick people out of their information, data and finances.
Everyone’s received text messages from unknown numbers. Sometimes it’s a service or business you use that isn’t in your contacts. It could be your food delivery app letting you know that your grub is on the way. It could also be the first step in a scam. Tap or click here to learn how the scheme works and how to keep from falling victim to it.
How radar has changed over the last 60 years
The military has used radar since World War II. It lets us detect incoming planes before they attack and allows us to track weather patterns worldwide. Since its inception, though, radar has gained another use: To help us see what’s above us much more clearly.
Anyone can see the layout of your home and what you paid for it - Do this to stay safe

There’s more information about you online than you probably realize. Your hacked passwords, your address, even your credit card details.
Details about your home are everywhere, too. Government sites and resources like Zillow and Redfin list everything from what you paid to the very layout of your house.
58% of workers fed up with their computers - Are you?

Work laptops come with all sorts of problems. At first, you might be excited at the prospect of using tech you didn’t have to pay for. After all, many people can’t afford a laptop, so it can seem like a blessing in disguise.
10 most-stolen dog breeds and 3 smart ways to protect your furry friend

Few things terrify a pet owner more than finding out their furry friend disappeared. In the U.S., around four million dogs go missing each year. Pet owners have a lot to worry about: medication, closing gates, so the dogs don’t get out and even outright kidnappings.
Why women can see more colors than men
Being able to see color is a significant evolutionary trait. We can see how blue the sky is or how beautiful fresh flowers are. But, it turns out not all of us see color the same way, and scientists now believe women can see more colors than men. So why is this?
Have a SimpliSafe system? There's a brand new HD outdoor camera to add to your home's arsenal

When it comes to home security, you need a company you can trust. Traditional home security companies are all about the bottom line. You work with a salesperson to find a system, someone comes over to install it, then you’re locked into a long contract with high monthly fees.
Smartphone security: Do you need a VPN on your phone?

Compared to computers, smartphones have weak defenses and easy-to-crack passwords. They’ve also got a ton of valuable data. Just think about everything on your phone.
Chances are your work email is connected, which means a savvy cybercriminal could steal your company’s secrets. There’s also your contacts list, which is stuffed with phone numbers and maybe even emails.