Weird-but-cool buys for under $10

  • Yeehaw, hydration! Little cowboy hats to cap your Stanley tumbler (or any other travel mug), now four for $7.
  • Thin Mints superfans, sprinkle Girl Scout cookie-inspired seasoning (under $5) over vanilla ice cream, yogurt, popcorn … 
  • Fungi-tional! Cable ties that look like little mushrooms, on sale for $8.
  • When bumps and bruises need a sense of humor, emoji bandages will do the trick.
  • This magnetic cloud can help you keep track of your keys in small spaces for under $8.
  • Love the everything but not always the bagel? Sprinkle everything-bagel-inspired seasoning on wraps, cottage cheese, salads, toast — the sky’s the limit!

Tags: cloud computing, love, sale, track, travel