8 old tech items worth big bucks today

Are you someone who struggles to throw old stuff away? With TV shows like “Hoarders” thriving, there must be tons of people out there who keep just about everything they’ve ever purchased.
But you’re not necessarily on that level if you have some stuff tucked away in your basement or attic. It’s common to put things away that you no longer use, but have sentimental feelings for. A great example of this would be holding on to vinyl records.
You probably had a huge collection back in the day, but they went out of style when cassettes and CDs came onto the scene. Well, as many things do, vinyl records have come back in a big way and you might have some valuable albums lying around collecting dust. Tap or click to learn about vinyl records worth big money.
It’s not just vinyl with huge selling potential; there are plenty of old tech items that are worth quite a bit. If you’re ready to get a head start on spring cleaning, here are a few things to look for and how to learn what they’re worth.
Classic game and console prices have leveled up
The early days of video gaming produced some blockbuster games and consoles. While the technology behind these devices is outdated, most of them are still functional. That means a mint-condition system or game can fetch a high price.
1. Factory-sealed Nintendo cartridges

Because they were mass-produced back in the 1980s, most people didn’t know Nintendo cartridges would be worth much in the future. But fast forward to today and you’ll see factory-sealed games going for thousands of dollars in global auctions.
Just recently, a collector sold a copy of the original Mega Man video game for $75,000. A rare Super Mario Bros. game was also purchased for more than $100,000. The one thing these games have in common? They’re in pristine condition.
If you have a Nintendo game sitting in your attic that’s never been opened, you might want to look on eBay and see what it’s running for. That game could be your goldmine.
2. Atari 2600 games
Check the attic! 8 old tech items worth a lot of money

True collectors are fascinating people; they’re smart and persistent. As time goes on, everyday objects fall out of fashion and then, years later, clever collectors swoop in. Example: A one-cent postage stamp from British Guiana worth about $10 million.
Old tech in your house right now that's worth big bucks

Everybody has one of those closets or spots in the basement where things, once-loved, remain forgotten after being replaced.
Admit it, while you enjoy the features of the latest devices and gadgets, you still hold a soft spot for that old junk, hence your growing collection of old cellphones, computers and other gadgetry. Tap or click to learn how a bunch of old gadgets makes stunning music.