What does it all mean? AI writing tools like Evernote can make sense of your messy notes. In ChatGPT, for instance, you can paste in what you have and ask, “Help me organize these notes into categories.” Be sure to check the output to verify your original meaning wasn’t changed. Pro tip: Ask your bot of choice, “Is there anything that needs more details?” to fill in any missing info.
8 online accounts that are nearly impossible to delete

Your choice of apps plays a significant factor in privacy and security. These programs collect data and sometimes share it with others. On top of that, each app takes up space. Do you need a flashlight app when your phone already has one built-in?
It’s a good idea to do an app audit now and then. Run through your apps and get rid of the ones you don’t use or need. Tap here to get started with six apps you should delete right now.
Have you thought about how many sites and apps have your information? You may be registered with services you haven’t used in years or newer ones you barely use. Deleting an app isn’t enough. You have to delete your account along with it. This may not always be straightforward, so we compiled a list of accounts that are difficult to delete.
Just delete me already
The more online accounts you have, the more exposed you are to hackers and tracking. Some apps and services make it difficult to delete your account entirely. They may require you to access the site from a desktop browser or contact the company directly.
One website makes it easier to find the relevant pages to delete an account. Go to justdelete.me and click on or type in the name of the service you want to drop.
The site uses color codes according to how complex the delete process is for a site. Green is easy, red is difficult, and black impossible. You can click on “Show Info” if you find yourself stuck to get some more background.
The following are nine online accounts categorized as “Impossible” to delete by JustDelete.Me.
Are you having trouble locating your old accounts? Tap or click here for tips on tracking them down.
1. Netflix
The information tab for Netflix on JustDeleteMe reads: “Contact customer services. Even then, they may not delete your account under the premise that you might want to rejoin and keep your history and recommendations.”
Go to help.netflix.com/en/node/407 to cancel your membership, but be aware of the fine print at help.netflix.com/en/node/100625, which says that the company retains “limited non-personally-identifying information” for “lawful reasons” and “fraud prevention.” This includes your email address and hashes of your payment details.
Tech tip: Digitize your handwritten notes or copy text from a photo

OK, I admit it. I’m a sucker for the latest gadget. I bought a smart notebook with all the upgrades to write my daily to-do lists digitally. Yeah, $600 later, I’ve used it 11 times.
It’s easy to waste money on tech. Tap or click for ways you might be throwing away money and solutions to help you save.
Customize your Android with these 5 home screen widgets

With all of Android’s customization possibilities, it’s easy to get lost in the things you can download and tweak. To avoid a cluttered device it’s best to pick and choose the things you’re going to actually use.
Customization aside, for all Android users there are more than a few useful features you might not know about. Tap or click here to learn about 10 hidden tricks on Android.
Splitting up the holiday cooking this year? A shared note-taking app like Google Keep, Microsoft OneNote or Evernote makes it a cinch to remember who’s preparing what. This is even easier if everyone already has, say, a Google or Microsoft account. You can also try a dedicated shopping list app like Any List, Out of Milk and OurGroceries.