Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and lots of love from me

Christmas Day is a time for reflection, gratitude and connection. This year, it’s extra special as Hanukkah also begins tonight. Both holidays remind us of the importance of light, hope and the traditions that bring us closer together.

When I was a kid, the magic of Christmas came in the form of glowing string lights on a fresh-cut tree, the scent of my Mom’s cooking and my Dad’s laugh as we opened gifts. Those memories of warmth and love are what I carry with me every year, and it’s what I hope for each of you to experience today.

As we celebrate this season, I want to take a moment to thank all those who work tirelessly to make the holidays brighter: Health care workers, first responders, retail staff, delivery drivers and everyone else working behind the scenes to bring a little joy to our lives.

Let’s not forget the thousands in law enforcement and national security protecting us; the firefighters and medical professionals on call today; and the pilots, flight attendants and air traffic controllers reuniting families. And, of course, the men and women of America’s military, who serve to ensure our freedom.

I want to give you a special thanks, too

I’m thrilled you’re here with me day in and day out. I love reading your comments that say, “Wow, Kim, it feels like you’re talking to me in this newsletter.” Yes, it’s real, human Kim here gathering what you need to know in the world of tech and writing it for you.

That’s especially important now that AI is everywhere. I want this email and the info I pass along on my shows, podcasts and writings in USA Today, the Daily Mail and other places to be something you can trust.

Some of my Christmas traditions

Below, I put links to the recipe for my annual Christmas dinner, movies and lots more. But I want to reach out to you if you’re not having a great day.

Years ago, my Dad was a little depressed and missing his mother terribly one Christmas. My Mom thought a quick trip to Las Vegas would get him out of the slump. I gave him a Mannheim Steamroller Christmas CD to listen to on their drive. When they returned, my Mom had a huge smile on her face and said, “Wow! That CD is wonderful! It totally turned his frown upside‑down!”

I shared this story with Chip Davis, the founder of Mannheim Steamroller. He explained he did that on purpose with the tempo so people would have an emotional lift. If you’re a little down, here’s a YouTube playlist. When I miss my loved ones, it helps me, too.

In this season of hope and joy, whether you’re celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah or simply enjoying time with loved ones, I’m keeping you in my prayers. I pray for your health, happiness, and that you find peace and comfort in the moments that matter most.

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Buying new smart home tech? Take this step to keep creeps out

Whenever you buy a new smart device, the first thing to do is change the default password. Without this critical step, hackers could break into your doorbells, thermostats or security cameras. They could turn up the home’s temperature until it’s boiling — or scream death threats over a microphone.

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Zuckerberg's most bizarre congressional appearance

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Meta’s CEO apologizes to families hurt by social media. Here’s what it means for tech.

If your teen says this phrase, pay close attention:Crashing out” means they’re about to flip out or overreact to something minor. The causes behind it are bigger, of course — think anything from hormones and relationships to academic stress or social media drama.

Memorial Day 2022: A reminder to remember those who sacrificed it all

Years ago, I heard someone correct someone else who said, “Happy Memorial Day.” There’s nothing happy about the day, they said. It’s about remembering servicemen and women who’ve died during conflicts.

That person wasn’t wrong. Memorial Day was created as a day set aside to decorate the graves of soldiers who died defending the U.S. during the most recent battle. When you dig around and read about the history of Memorial Day, it’s evolved from a quiet day of remembrance to a three-day weekend packed with parades, barbeques and Memorial Day sales.

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After nearly 40 years: Two sisters met for the first time since different families adopted them as babies. They were born just 14 months apart. One grew up in the U.S. and the other in Belgium. After taking a MyHeritage DNA test, one sister sent the other an email that said, “Hey, I think we’re sisters.” Isn’t that something?

Notorious cheating site Ashley Madison is swarming with sextortionists. Scammers get cheaters to send nudes, then they threaten to send them to the cheaters’ families and bosses unless they pay thousands. Karma’s a you-know-what.

😤 Dangerous oversight: A heartbreaking 15 folks have died after ingesting sodium nitrate, listed on Amazon as a food preservative. It’s safe at low concentrations, but it was sold at 99% purity. Now, the victims’ families are suing, saying Amazon ignored warnings, deleted bad reviews and nudged customers to buy. Amazon’s defense? It says it’s not liable for how customers use its products.

Toys R Us is dead, once more

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Remember when Toys R Us first shut down? Families across the country mourned. Here’s how the new owners want to revive the brand, in 60 seconds.
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