Traveling to a different state? Use this site to check COVID-19 policies

The Delta variant is taking the top spot of COVID-19 strains, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has updated its policies. The CDC recommends you wear a mask indoors in public if you are in an “area of substantial or high transmission.” You should also wear a mask if you or someone in your home is particularly vulnerable.
It’s not easy to keep up with the changes, but this can help. The CDC also put up an interactive map that tracks the spread of the Delta variant. Tap or click here for more information and tips on using this helpful tool.
It can be difficult to know what to expect if you’re traveling to another city or state. Thankfully, there is a way to track COVID policy activity and more to make sure you are up to date and safe.
Here’s the backstory
MultiState tracks everything from cannabis legislation to state election results. The site has added COVID-19 resources that can help to keep you informed when it comes to masks, travel and more. You can find these resources at We’ve highlighted some key elements of the site below.
State/local activity dashboard
The COVID-19 Policy Dashboard lets you switch between state and local levels to see how each jurisdiction handles the pandemic. You can get information such as the health department website and key contact information and social media links. Check out reopening plans, travel restrictions, school closures, mass gathering restrictions and more.
RELATED: Threat actors will always take advantage of any situation that sees people scrambling to find answers, and the pandemic is no exception. There’s been a rise of COVD-related scams and they’re not always so easy to spot. Tap or click here for tips on what to watch out for.
Mask requirements
The COVID-19 Mask Mandates by State page contains a map showing the state’s mask mandates for vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. You can also see which states require masks for people only in areas with high transmission rates. The map is updated daily.
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