Kids don't know what they want to do in life? Give them this quiz
One of the most fascinating things to witness with the rise of tech in our society is its massive effect on our workforce. Just a few short decades ago, technologically-demanding jobs were in the minority. Nowadays, it’s hard to find a job that doesn’t use tech in some form or another.
This is why careers in STEM (that’s science, technology, engineering and math) are so valuable in today’s economy. Preparing the next generation for tomorrow’s high-tech jobs isn’t just ideal, but essential. Tap or click here for 20 ways to make money online and on your schedule.
But many students with the talents and aptitude for these careers may not even know it’s right for them, or if it’s financially possible. If your kid dreams of a high-tech job in the future, this smart educational solution will help them discover the right path. With enough time, they’ll be fully prepared for the jobs of tomorrow.
Techforce helps accelerate teen learners
As the job market transforms in the 21st Century, the need for high-tech careers only grows more dire. Many industries rely on technology to the point that they cannot function without it. As a result, those who control and manage our tech control the fate of our economy.
That’s why Techforce Foundation, a vocational education program for students aiming for STEM careers, is launching the “Be a Pathfinder” campaign, which highlights career opportunities for tech-minded students.
“Be a Pathfinder” is designed for students with a talent and knack for hands-on work. As part of the program, Techforce introduced a quiz that helps students determine their learning style, which can help set them on a path for a career they’ll thrive in.
Today, #TechForce launched our #BeAPathfinder campaign to help students understand their #learningstyles & find out how they can thrive in a career they’ll love! Take the quiz, share your results, and stay tuned for more awesome resources. Learn more:
— TechForce Foundation (@TechForceFound) January 21, 2020
According to Techforce Foundation Executive Director Jennifer Maher, “The learning style quiz and personalized resources not only help students and parents recognize the opportunities of a career … but also help them understand how and why they’re a fit for these careers.”
Setting them up for success
By taking the quiz linked above with your child, you can learn more about their unique strengths and how it applies to vocations in tomorrow’s job market. Studies indicate the U.S. will need a great deal of technicians to power vital technology and infrastructure in this country — particularly in the realm of transportation.
More than 1.2 million new technicians will be needed to join the workforce within the next decade. This means about 120,000 new jobs will be up for grabs each year. But those jobs will go to the candidates with the most comprehensive backgrounds and training in technology.