Several online platforms help sell your old stuff. Tap or click for a few options that are better than Craigslist.
But most people aren’t aware that their favorite retailers can do a lot of the heavy lifting for you. Many offer superior trade-in value for your stuff. Chances are, you’ll be able to get rid of your clutter without venturing further than your local shopping center.
Best Buy, Walmart and even Amazon will pay you for everything from baby carriages to old TVs or gaming consoles. Keep reading to find out how.
How to trade in old stuff at your favorite retailers
This tip mainly applies to electronics, video games and other reusable household goods. Check out each retailer below.
How to trade in on Amazon
Amazon’s trade-in program lets you transform old Kindles, Bluetooth speakers and even things like headphones into money in your pocket. Be sure to keep your stuff in excellent condition. The more pristine it is, the more you stand to earn.
You can get an Amazon gift card and save up to 25% on a new qualifying Amazon device.
How to trade in at Best Buy
Best Buy’s trade-in program includes any category you’ll find in-store, excluding large appliances, as far as we can tell. You’ll find an itemized portal on Best Buy’s trade-in page. Click into the thumbnail matching what you want to sell and follow the instructions.
Trade in car seats at Target
Target’s car seat trade-in allows you to upgrade to a newer model. Twice a year, you can bring an old, expired or damaged car seat to Target and recycle it to redeem a coupon on your Target app or for 20% off one car seat, one stroller or select baby gear.
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