Send texts to email right from your iPhone or Android

Send texts to email right from your iPhone or Android

As a communication tool, text messaging is up there at the top. Considering over 16 million text messages are transmitted every minute, it is easy to assume you have sent your fair share. Whether it’s reaching out to family and friends, or work-related, texts are an easy and immediate method of connecting with others.

With texting comes a few inconveniences, like an overwhelming flow of messages we don’t even want. Tap or click here to stop junk text messages and spam for good. We’ve got a few other helpful tips that can solve your problems. For instance, there are a few occasions in which you might want to know how to forward text messages to email.

Let’s take a closer look at a few situations, and go over the steps for forwarding a text without having to cut and paste on both Android and iOS devices. You’ll learn exactly how to send text messages to email. (Just keep in mind that the instructions given may vary according to your device manufacturer, model, operating system, and messaging and email apps.)

Why you should send text messages to email

Text messaging is a convenient way of communicating, sure. But if you receive text messages in your email inbox, that’s a big boon to your productivity. That’s why you should know how to forward text messages to email.

For starters, you’re better able to have everything you need in one place. For example, forwarding texts to an email address on a secondary mobile device, PC or Mac has several benefits.

Not only does it promote accessibility and long-term storage, but it also protects your conversations from getting lost due to issues with your messaging app or smartphone.

You may want to forward various messages to your email, including:

  • Any web pages or links you want to share or save
  • Those containing sensitive information or needed for legal purposes
  • Meaningful messages you have received and wish to save
  • Texts sent to groups

If you’re wondering how to forward a text message to email, we’ve got a step-by-step guide on just what to do.

WORRIED ABOUT SPAM EMAIL? AVOID THIS: The big mistake that’s getting you more spam emails and texts

Before we go ahead, here’s a quick refresher on what we mean when we say “SMS messages.”

  • SMS message is another way of saying text message
  • Short for “Short Message Service,” they can be sent in a single message of 160 characters
  • (If your text is longer than that, it will automatically split itself into multiple messages.)

Sending messages to email using an Android device

Using an Android to send your text messages to an email box is simple and only requires a few steps. Open your messaging app and select the conversation you want to send to email. Tap and hold the message until the options menu appears. Click Share. Choose your email app and fill in the recipient info and tap the Send arrow.

Using an iOS device to forward texts

Forwarding individual messages to an email address using your iPhone is equally straightforward. Go into your iMessages and choose the text you want to forward. Press and hold the message until the options menu appears. Click More. Tap the circle next to each text or component of a message and click on the forward button. Enter the email address you want to send the message to and click the arrow once green.

YOU’LL WANT TO KNOW THIS TRICK: Free way to track GPS, phone calls, text messages and web activity on a phone

Send text messages automatically to an email address

While you can manually send or forward individual text messages, there are apps and setting adjustments that will systematically send texts to a predetermined email address. Here’s the how-to for both Android and iOS smartphones.

Auto-forwarding conversations using an Android

The easiest method for automatically forwarding your conversations to your email using an Android device is via a third-party app. One such application is Auto Forward SMS, which is available through the Amazon Appstore. The subscription is $.99 cents per month or $11 annually via Amazon.

In addition to forwarding your text messages, this app allows you to filter by keyword and send texts from specific numbers to specific emails. Providing your phone is powered on, and you have internet service; this app will automatically forward text messages for you.

Utilizing an iPhone to auto-forward texts

Forwarding your text messages isn’t quite the same for an iPhone as it is for an Android. With the last few operating system updates, users have had several issues regarding forwarding their iMessages. Although the method described here does not technically send your messages to your email address, it will forward your texts to any iOS device you are logged into and enable in your iPhone settings.

Go into Settings and tap Messages. Click Text Message Forwarding and enable the device(s).

If you do not see the option Text Message Forwarding here are a couple of tips:

  • Ensure you are signed in to the device(s) you want to receive the iMessages from.
  • Your sign-in ID must be the same for every device.
  • Make certain you have your phone number, and email address checked in the iMessage section under Messages.

SICK OF SPAM TEXT MESSAGES? 6 clever ways to end robotext spam messages before it’s too late

Now you know how to forward text to email. Here’s how to send emails to texts.

Send emails to texts right on your iPhone or Android

Let’s turn this idea around and share with you a great money-saving tip. Did you know you can also send text messages from your email? That’s right: Most major cellular providers let you send text messages via your email inbox.

First, you need to use an SMS to email gateway address. That’s easy to do. You can just substitute your cell phone number with a specific number from your carrier. (Almost every legitimate company should provide this option.)

Luckily, 20SomethingFinance put together a comprehensive list of carrier numbers you can use to send text messages through your email account. Tap or click here to find the number for your provider.

There’s just one problem with this: spam. It can quickly get out of hand when people use the SMS gateway services to send texts.

It’s an enormous problem. In fact, Tatango research found that 68% of survey respondents say they’ve received text message spam. (If you’ve never dealt with this problem, you’re part of the lucky minority!)

If you have trouble recognizing spammy texts, the Federal Trade Commission has you covered. Here’s how to spot and report spam when you see it clogging up your text messages. (If you want to save time, here’s our quick trick: send spam texts to 7726.)

Surf the web safely with these 5 mobile browsers

Kim is diligent when it comes to warning you about taking precautions when it comes to surfing the web, whether it be via desktop or Android or iPhone. Here are five mobile browsers that will protect you online. Tap or click here to learn which browsers will help you stay safe while surfing.

Tags: Amazon, Android, Apple iPhone, communications, email, iMessages, instructions, message, messaging, operating systems, phones/smartphones, Productivity, spam, text messaging