Tech how-to: Save precious voicemails and text messages

September 20, 2024

By Kim Komando

I’m sure you can relate. When grief is overwhelming, hearing a loved one’s voice and seeing their photos can be just too painful. But when a bit of time has passed, it feels like a gift.

I want you to have that with your loved ones, too, and part of that is preserving the memories you have before there’s a glitch, your phone gets stolen or some other tech mishap.

Saving voicemails on iPhone

Saving voicemails on Android

Keep in mind, your steps may vary based on your phone model. But you can still follow some general steps to keep those important messages.

Saving texts on an iPhone

On an iPhone, your iCloud account holds lots of data, including messages. They’re updated automatically so you can see them across all your devices. That means if your iPhone bites the dust, you’ll be able to access your messages on a Mac, iPad or other Apple device with your Apple ID.

Now, if you want to print your text messages, use the iExplorer app.

Saving texts on an Android

If you have an Android phone, a third-party app is your best bet to make the backup process easy. SMS Backup & Restore is a solid option.

The app creates a local XML backup of the messages and call logs on your phone when you run it. You can do this manually or schedule recurring backups. You can then save that backup to your cloud storage.

💛 This is important stuff, and there’s no redo if you miss out on saving these memories. Use the buttons below to share this with a friend who should know how to do it, too.

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Award-winning host Kim Komando is your secret weapon for navigating tech.