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5 ways to save money on

5 ways to save money on

Online shopping is one of the best innovations to have come from the internet. You can buy just about anything you want without leaving the house or dealing with crowds. Even better, you can have your purchase on your doorstep in just days or even the same day in some cases.

There’s a good bet you do quite a bit of shopping on Amazon, too. After all, it is the largest online store ever and carries just about everything. As a savvy online shopper, you probably know that you can set alerts so you know when an item’s price drops.

However, there are some other fun little tricks you might not know about that can make your online shopping easier or save you money. Here are five tips that any Amazon user can appreciate. We’ll also throw in a bonus for Amazon Prime subscribers.

1. Availability Alerts

Knowing when a price drops on an item is good, but what if the item you want to buy isn’t even in stock? You don’t want to keep checking back to see when it’s available. Who has the time?

Fortunately, if you look just next to the product’s title you’ll see a button that says, “Email me.” Click that and Amazon will let you know when the item is back in stock. If you want to manage your alerts later, log in to your account and go to the Availability Alert area.

2. Text shipment alerts

The internet has made it possible to not just order something, but watch its entire progress from the warehouse to your door. Of course, that involves going on your computer and looking it up.

If you want regular updates sent to your phone, you can sign up for Shipment Updates via Text. Amazon will send you regular updates on your package. Don’t worry, it’s only active between 10 a.m. and 11 p.m. Eastern so it won’t wake you up in the middle of the night.

3. Email subscriptions

Browsing online stores for products and seeing new and exciting things is fun. In fact, it’s more fun than going to a regular store because you can stay on the couch in your PJs. Plus, you get to read hilarious reviews.

On the other hand, random browsing means you often miss new products or great deals. You’d have look at the right place exactly at the right time. Instead, have the deals you want to know about sent right to your inbox.

Go to Amazon’s E-mail Subscriptions page and select categories you want to watch, like Amazon Video, Books, DVD, Deals and more. You’ll get email alerts when new products are added, products become bestsellers or there are great new deals. If you end up getting too many emails, you can always unsubscribe from those you don’t want.

4. Turn off personalized ads

You know those personalized ads that pop up on Amazon and then follow you around the rest of the internet showing you items you’ve already looked at? We’ve told you how to make those stop on Facebook and Google, and now we’re going to tell you for Amazon.

Click this link and select “Do Not Personalize Ads from Amazon for this Internet Browser” and then click Submit. That’s all there is to it, but now you’ll only see generic ads instead of ones that look like someone is stalking you online.

Oh, by the way, while you’re in your Amazon settings, make sure to check on your Public Profile. Amazon creates this for you automatically whenever you create an account. It’s only supposed to show reviews and public Wish Lists, but double-check to make sure it isn’t sharing something you don’t want people to see.

5. Make extra money

When you’re browsing Amazon, you might come across things you already have and don’t really want anymore. Check just below the “Add to Cart” button on the product page and you might see a “Sell on Amazon” button.

This lets you list your item for sale and make some money back. You can then put that money toward the purchase of something else. Also, you can sign up for Amazon Flex, a program that lets you make money delivering Amazon packages.

Have old phones, tablets and other gear just sitting around? Amazon is one way to sell them but click here to learn more about trading in your goods for Amazon credit here.

Bonus: Share Amazon Prime shipping

If you have Amazon Prime then you know the joy of free two-day shipping. Why not share that joy with your friends and family? Giving is better than receiving, after all.

Go to the Manage Prime Membership page and scroll down to the “Share your Prime benefits” section. You can create an Amazon Household and share Prime benefits like two-day shipping, Amazon Video and more with another adult and up to four children.

Didn’t know you could do that? Learn about more Amazon Prime tricks you didn’t know you could do.

Tags: advertisements (ads), alerts, Amazon, Amazon Prime, computers, deals, email, emails, Facebook, family, friends, fun, Google, inbox, internet, membership, money, online, online shopping, phones/smartphones, reviews, sale, settings, shipping, shopping, tricks, updates, video, web browsers/browsing