Scummy data brokers caught selling military secrets — and your data, too

Data brokers are the companies that make billions of dollars gathering up, then selling or sharing our data. It’s used for everything from targeted ads (that’s how they knew you drive a Subaru) to spam (and why you get so many bogus phone calls).
And if you’re thinking, “I bet their morals behind all this are pretty questionable,” you’re right. A study from Duke University’s Sanford School of Public Policy found data brokers are selling info on current and former U.S. military personnel — and dove into just how dangerous that can be.
Think about it. With searches like “military” and “veteran” anyone willing to pay can get their hands on sensitive data about active-duty members of the military, their families and veterans. That includes things like health data, financial info and even religion.
Those details in the hands of advertisers who want to make a buck is one thing. What about an enemy who could use that information to target military personnel — or their family and friends? Scary stuff, folks.
It’s not just the military, of course
I’m willing to bet your info is posted on online directories and marketplaces. You can delete it, but let me tell you: They make it tricky and time-consuming, Worse, they can add you back in if a new piece of data hits their radar.
That’s why I want to tell you about Incogni. Before I could recommend it to you, I tried it out myself. The process took me a few minutes, and I was immediately opted out of 27 databases, with 47 more requests sent. Now I’m up to 151 sites. They forgot Kim Komando even exists!
It’s simple to use. You create an account, then enter your name and address. Then, you grant Incogni permission to reach out on your behalf. After you finish the setup process, you’ll see a list of sites you’ve been removed from and pending requests.
It’s never been this easy to regain your privacy. I let Incogni take care of it for me, and I negotiated a special deal for you to try it out, too.
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