Still using QuickBooks? 3 reasons it’s time to switch

Still using QuickBooks? 3 reasons it's time to switch

What powers your business? Maybe you’re thinking of people or technology. For almost all of us, the honest answer is data.

Data is king, from customer information to the files we access daily. Financial records are no exception, and you need the right tools to manage yours correctly.

We hear from readers who are fed up with QuickBooks all the time. If you’re ready to make a change, keep reading. Not all systems are created equal.

1. Inflexible reports

Accounting software providers generally offer several pre-formatted reporting templates. These can save you time and money when you’re just starting out, but eventually, most businesses outgrow them.

What works for one company doesn’t necessarily work for others. Financial statements, for instance, may need to be tailored to present data in various ways for different audiences.

Changing the layout or including additional data in a report should be easy, but it often isn’t. Hard-coded designs can be difficult or impossible to modify, preventing companies from communicating information in a way that makes sense for their business.

2. Spreadsheet overload

Spreadsheets are a popular reporting tool because they’re easy to use but have significant limitations. First of all, they’re static. Spreadsheets are out of date almost as soon as they’re created. They must be updated frequently, and ensuring everyone who needs it always has the latest version is a task.

Spreadsheets can also lead to more reporting errors. They’re easy to modify and inherently not secure. A better approach is real-time data.

3. Rigid dashboards

Dashboards display the performance indicators that are important for you and your company. They can help your team stay on track and give you an idea, at a glance, of what’s working and what’s not.

The problem is customization. Different employees at your company should easily be able to customize a dashboard to meet their specific needs. Dashboards that are difficult to tailor to specific roles or to personalize are often more of a pain than a help.

Say goodbye to spreadsheets that slow you down

Are you fed up with QuickBooks? You’re not alone. I hear from listeners constantly looking for a better way to get their accounting done.

That’s where our sponsor, NetSuite, comes in. It’s the world’s No. 1 cloud business system for good reason. If you’re bogged down in spreadsheets stored locally on your computer, you’ll love that you can access all your data in one place whenever you want.

It’s so much more than just accounting software. NetSuite gives you visibility and control over your financials, HR, inventory, e-commerce and more — all in one place, instantaneously. Whether doing a million or hundreds of millions in revenue, you can save time and money with NetSuite.

Stop paying for multiple systems that don’t give you the information you need when you need it. Ditch the spreadsheets and all the old software you’ve outgrown. Now is the time to upgrade to NetSuite.

See it in action for yourself. Head to and get a free product tour.

Tags: computers, upgrades

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