Find the duplicates and junk in your photo collection with this app

Choosing the best photos on your phone and deleting the rest forever can be a scary proposition. We want to hold on to as much as we can, but storage space is limited. Sometimes it is near-impossible to select the best shots from a day outside.

But before dumping everything on a hard drive or in cloud storage, why not have a quick look to delete duplicates or out of focus shots? We often have hundreds of photos in our camera roll, which makes this process difficult.

We have previously gone over one trick to finally clean out your photo gallery. But if you need some help from professionals, Canon has released an app that will automatically do it for you.

Here’s the backstory

Canon probably knows better than anybody how easy it is to fill up storage through photos. While it specializes in digital cameras, it has developed an iOS app to help you select the best photos on your phone.

Cannon’s Photo Culling app uses AI technology to analyze your photos and return results based on parameters. Called PHIL, the AI analyses each image using five separate models and assigns a score to it.

Canon Photos Culling app

AI looks for grouping with similar photos, sharpness, noise, emotion and closed eyes. Depending on which model you selected, the results might vary somewhat.

  • The Similar Culling option will look for images that are similar in general aesthetic. Scoring models will show you which one it thinks is the best. When applying to a group of photos, it will show you the best image from the group.
  • The Whole Culling option will scan through all the selected photos and recommend which ones should be deleted. You can also set it up so that it shows you a second-best option.

Once the best images have been calculated, it will show you individual photo scores based on a changeable threshold level. Select the ones that need to be deleted, and the Photo Culling app will remove them with one tap.

Storage and sorting made easy

Taking the hassle out of selecting the best photos, the app has a few additional functions equally as handy. The app will display on the Home Screen how many photos you have and how much storage space is available.

When taking many photos at an event or on a specific day, the app will group images in dynamically created event albums. You will be prompted after some time to review the photos and delete ones needlessly taking up space.

The Photo Culling app is currently only available for iOS on Apple’s App Store and comes with a free three-day trial. When the trial expires, it costs $2.99 per month or $14.99 for the year

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Tags: Apple, applications (apps), cameras, Canon, duplicates, home, iOS, phones/smartphones, storage space, technology