The worst airlines for losing luggage

I bet you or someone you know has a luggage horror story. Here’s mine: On one trip to Paris, everyone got their luggage when we landed … except for Barry. I called British Airways at least a dozen times, asking when he’d get his bag. They couldn’t find it.
Three days later, on the front page of The Daily Mail was a story and photo about a major luggage snafu at Heathrow Airport, where we’d had a layover. Barry’s suitcase was in the first row of the photo, alongside hundreds of other misplaced bags. I emailed the photo to British Airways and said, “I found it!”
U.S. airlines mishandled 2.8 million bags in 2023 alone. These are the worst airlines when it comes to lost luggage — plus my tips for how to keep your stuff safe on a flight.
Spirit’s not even in the top 3
Bag and tag? Meet name and shame. Here’s a list of airlines ranked by bags mishandled per 100, or BMPH. FYI: All five airlines lose at least one bag per every 200 bags handled.
5. JetBlue (0.52 BMPH) — It’s been on my no-fly list since it moved my flight to an earlier time without warning.
4. Spirit Airlines (0.53 BMPH) — Anyone else think they’d be higher up on this list?
3. Alaska (0.57 BMPH) — No excuse for a smaller airline, IMO.
2. United Airlines (0.73 BMPH) — Who remembers the viral “United Breaks Guitars” video? So good.
And at No. 1: American Airlines (0.76 BMPH) — American sits at the top … of a massive pile of lost luggage. It misplaced 800,198 bags in 2023, or nearly one in every 100 bags it handled. Talk about emotional baggage.
Keep your stuff safe
Flights are expensive, and you can’t always pick your airline. But if you’re traveling this summer, you can be smart about protecting your stuff.
- Use a tracker: Drop an Apple AirTag, Tile Mate (ideal for Android users) or Samsung SmartTag into your luggage, and you’ll see your bag on a map if the airline loses it.
- Lock it up: If your bag doesn’t have one, consider a luggage lock to keep your stuff safe from snoops. These are TSA-approved!
- When you can, use a carry-on: Keep anything with you if it’s sentimental, medical-related or has serious monetary value. Here are good options for under $150 and a higher-end pick that will last forever.
- Take photos: Snap a few pics of your bags and their contents from all angles. That way, even if an airline fumbles the bag (literally), you stand a fighting chance.
- Carrying precious cargo? Consider a travel insurance policy that covers lost or delayed luggage. If you’re traveling with a high-ticket item, you can at least recoup your costs.
If you do get separated from your bag
Start at the airline’s lost luggage desk. Talking to someone in person is always better than waiting on the phone. Be as detailed as possible when describing your bag. (This is where photos help.) And if you have a tracker, show the airline rep so they know what part of the airport — or what country — to contact.
🧳 There’s no sense in suing an airline for lost baggage. You’ll definitely lose your case. (Ha-ha-ha!)
Traveling with friends or family this summer? Share this with them, and save them a cranky day (or five).
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Tags: airlines, Android, Apple, Daily Mail, lost luggage, tips and tricks, tracker