The hidden tiger

This art is for sale on Amazon. Can you find the hidden tiger?
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This art is for sale on Amazon. Can you find the hidden tiger?
We may earn a commission from purchases, but our recommendations are always objective.
When you set up your iPhone, invisible dots create a detailed map of your face so you can open your phone just by looking at it. How many dots are used to map a face? Is it … A.) 7,500, B.) 18,000, C.) 30,000 or D.) 50,000?
That’s how long Microsoft Excel has been around. It’s come a long way from a clunky, black-and-white number cruncher to an AI-powered spreadsheet wizard. It’s crazy to think an estimated 1.1 billion people now excel at using it.
How does the computing power of your smartphone compare to the guidance computer aboard the 1969 Apollo 11 lunar module? Is it … A.) About as powerful, B.) 120 times more powerful, C) 12,000 times more powerful or D.) 120,000 times more powerful?
Before it was called Windows, what did Microsoft name its operating system? Was it … A.) Screen Handler, B.) Interface Manager, C.) Task Commander or D.) Visual Desktop?
Did you know “Alexa” wasn’t always Amazon’s smart assistant’s name? In its earliest development stages, it was called something altogether different. Was it … A.) Echofina, B.) Beza, C.) Laura or D.) Ivona?
When Facebook launched around 20 years ago, you could “poke” someone in your friends list to get their attention. When did the poke go away and the “like” option arrive? Was it … A.) 2007, B.) 2009, C.) 2010 or D.) 2012?
Before Netflix was Netflix, it had a placeholder name for paperwork: Kibble. When it was time to roll out the real thing, one name was not considered. Was it … A.) Quickflicks, B.) Directpix, C.) Replay or D.) Luna?
What was the most common length of a blank audio cassette like those used for making mixtapes in the ‘80s and ‘90s? In minutes, was it … A.) 30, B.) 60, C.) 90 or D.) 120?
Many of today’s big tech companies have a “Chief Evangelist,” whose sole job is building a community of passionate users. Was the first company to adopt this position … A.) Amazon, B.) Apple, C.) Microsoft or D.) Sony?
Jeff Bezos has a unique rule about meetings at Amazon. Is it … A.) Hold meetings only on Mondays at 8 a.m., B.) Share the presentation with everyone 10 minutes before a meeting, C.) Serve lunch with two cheese pizzas or D.) Include a warehouse manager?